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The social media strategy for this project is based on creating a series of accounts using the project title. We then intend to link up the project account to our personal social media accounts and cross promote from there. We plan to share, invite friends and disperse interesting information about the development of the project on multiple social media platforms mainly instagram, twitter, facebook and wordpress. We intend to further our campaign using owned media such as e-Mail lists and 

Blogs. We are trying to make our website represent our project to the maximum and will try to maintain this consistency throughout our social media campaign.

We are also trying to keep the content of our web page representative of our project. More content will be created for content marketing through our blogs and shared on social media to attract attention and possibly a higher google ranking. 
The idea is to try to attract maximum attention and social media following during the development, pre production and production stages peaking at post production stage just before final release.

We feel the project will attract a few specific demographics leading among them are tourists and students who have been to Melbourne and are from the East Asia.region.

Keeping this in mind we will try to focus our outreach and promotional campaigns to these audiences.

European tourists and Melbourne residents form the secondary target audience.   

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